Our Tailored services.

As specialists in bespoke travel, we stand out by crafting customized travel experiences for discerning clients. Whether you're setting off on a family retreat, commemorating a multi-generational occasion, or orchestrating a unique honeymoon, our tailored services are designed to fulfill your specific requirements. This might involve leveraging our expertise to discover the perfect accommodation, meticulously planning your entire itinerary, or making use of our top-notch concierge services.

Hotel Bookings & VIP Perks

For individuals who have a clear idea of their destination and perhaps a preferred place to stay but wish to leverage our extensive network of 'preferred partner' relationships with numerous global hotels and resorts, our complimentary booking service offers the ideal solution.

If you're unsure about where to stay, allow us to ease the task of finding the perfect location and narrowing down options to meet your specific needs.

At SARAH PAYNE TRAVEL, we go above and beyond by providing complimentary VIP perks to clients staying at our preferred partner properties. These perks may encompass room upgrades (subject to availability), flexible check-in/check-out options, welcome amenities, complimentary breakfasts, spa or restaurant credits, and more.

Service: Complimentary

Custom Itinerary Planning

Our custom itineraries are tailored to each client and will meet your specific requirements. Our planning service can focus on accommodation and transportation or extend to fully planned end-to-end itineraries. We can handle all the details—from initial research through to booking and confirmations. We curate accommodation options in line with your requirements and transportation preferences (refer to FAQs for flights).

Our concierge services can accommodate all on-ground tours and experiences, as well as provide restaurant recommendations and reservations.

Service: A fee may be requested for concierge services and will be discussed in the initial consultation.


  • During an initial consultation, we will establish the extent of the services you are seeking from your advisor.

    As professional consultants, we may request a fee for extensive planning services.

    Individual Hotel bookings : Complimentary.

    Custom Itineraries: Complimentary. Service includes hotel bookings and transfers or transportation hire

    Additional Concierge service: a fully planned daily itinerary, including restaurant bookings, activities, tours, and personalized experiences. This service is an add-on to our custom itineraries and will be charged a minimum fee $250 per week of travel.

  • At our core, we view planning fees as an integral part of the professional service we offer to our valued clients. Let's delve into the reasons behind this:

    Customized Research: Crafting the perfect trip involves meticulous research to align with our client's unique preferences, budget, and requirements. The planning fee directly acknowledges the time and effort invested in finding the most suitable options for a memorable experience.

    Time Investment: Planning a trip isn't just a task; it's a significant investment of time and effort. Our travel advisor dedicates hours to research, coordination, and communication with clients and suppliers, ensuring a seamless and stress-free travel experience.

    Risk Mitigation: Travel inherently comes with potential risks and challenges, from unforeseen circumstances to sudden cancellations or changes. By charging a planning fee, we ensure our advisor is fairly compensated for their expertise in navigating and mitigating these issues, providing you with peace of mind.

    Client Cancellation: We understand that plans can change, and sometimes trips need to be canceled. The planning fee also serves as a protective measure for our advisor in the event of client cancellations, safeguarding their ability to earn commission and maintaining the sustainability of our professional services.

    By embracing planning fees, we uphold our commitment to delivering a high standard of personalized service, ensuring your travel experiences are not only memorable but also seamlessly tailored to your needs.